Etherial Applications 应用

Nextcutnow 1.1
The easiest way for barbers to managetheirrelationships with clients, and the easiest way for clientstolocate barbers and schedule appointments directly through theiriOSdevice. Alternatively, all features available on your iOSdevicecan be found at without subscription can search for barbers using theirGPSor entering a city of zip code of their choice. They can accesstheprofile and barbers and barbers shops that have signed upwithNEXTCUTNOW and schedule an appointment with the mostcurrentavailability for the service provider.Subscribed users can set up profile information forentirebarbers shop and for freelance barbers. Subscribed users canedittheir shop information and make their profile viewable tothepublic. Subscribed users can use their back office toscheduleappointments and send messages to users who they havepreviouslyprovided services for.To subscribe as barbershop, or a freelance barber, choosethesign up button on the landing page. From there, choose toregisteras a shop owner. After registering as a shop owner pleasedecidewhether you are registering as a freelance barber or ashopowner.Registering as a freelance barber will allow you to createaprofile for a single barber, while registering as a shop ownerforan entire shop will allow you to add multiple barbers to yourshop,each with their own personal profile andschedulingcapabilities.A barbershop or freelance barber can register for 1, 6, or12month auto renewable subscriptions providing access to theirbackoffice, with a 12 month commitment providing theopportunitymaximum savings.Once the address for the shop is entered into the shopgeneralinformation the shop will be viewable to all users.Terms of Use - Policy -